Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Your Veggie Love Life Begins Here!

So, you're one of the many millions of vegetarians living in the UK, America, Canada, Australia or Ireland? And you want to meet vegetarians

Or perhaps you're a committed and passionate vegan. My Vegetarian Dating welcomes you all. 

If you're wanting to try vegan dating in the UK, we recommend you start here, where there's a great video from Alicia Silverstone, as well as some useful information and advice

Our site is a great resource and, among other things, contains a great list of famous vegetarian and vegan quotes by people like Paul  McCartney and Albert Einstein. 

If that doesn't get you fired, up, you could read about why you should become a vegetarian

For non-veggies who are considering dating someone who is vegetarian or vegan, you can read our Five Tips for Dating A Vegetarian or Vegan, to help you along. 

And if you're a bit unsure about why you should join a dating site which is aimed specifically aimed at vegetarians and vegans, we have some information and some insights about that too.

So if you want to date vegetarian or vegan, check us out today! you might just find what you're looking for.

The My Vegetarian Dating Team.