Monday, 24 December 2012

Have Yourself A Veggie Merry Christmas!

Hi Veggies!

Santa Is Vegetarian : Who Knew?
Santa Is Vegetarian
HAPPY CHRISTMAS, ONE AND ALL! A Merry festive season to you and your family.

So, it's not the end of the world, despite reports to the contrary! The Mayan apocalypse may have passed us by, but, if you're reading, and you're single, it's all the more reason to go out and find a boy or girl this Christmas. Life goes on, after all, and nobody wants to be lonely.....

The great thing about My Vegetarian Dating is that you can meet someone who shares your love of animals, the environment and eating healthily. Someone who you don't have to explain yourself to.

As you know, we regularly publish articles, written by yours truly, and, if you want some help getting started, you can read our article 'Ten Golden Rules Of Online Dating'. It's a tongue-in-cheek-guide on how to navigate the world of online dating, which can be daunting without the right advice.

In the meantime, have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Best wishes,

From the My Vegetarian Dating Team.

Visit My Vegetarian Dating at to meet vegetarian and vegan singles today!

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Sunday, 16 December 2012

A Beginners Guide to Vegan Dating and Vegetarian Dating

Vegetarian dating is tough. So you've made the transition to going veggie, now you have to deal with other people's opinions and somehow find food in your local supermarket or fast food joint that doesn't have meat and, if you're a vegan, doesn't have dairy. That's a big ask. 

Then you'll have to find buddies and persuade your own kin to accept your dietary choices. That's a big call on the big calendar dates like Xmas and birthdays.

On top of all that, dating is hard for vegans and vegetarians. A recent poll found that 66 % of people on the dating market did not want to go out with a veggie, based on the view that they were picky in their food choices.

The assertion in the article was that vegetarianism and veganism made men less "manly". This is despite the fact that there are men such as notoriously girly rappers RZA (Wu Tang Clan) and Chuck D (Public Enemy),  as well as former President and ladies man Bill Clinton are passionate vegetarians..

To overcome prejudices, which affect both sexes, it may be preferable to find a partner that shares your outlook. You may also choose to go out with a fellow veggie for more fundamental reasons, such as you need to love a person who also cares for the our planet and animal life as passionately as you do.

Some months ago,the BBC published a story on this issue, and they found a single man in search of a fellow veggie.

Vegan Alex Bourke explained "I cannot condone non-veggies any more than I can condone people who beat their children”.

"I do not want any part of the cruelty involved, not just in factory farming, but in any kind of animal farming", he said, echoing sentiments shared by many vegans.

Although it may trivial to some, he explained, "I did break up with someone over cheese". This shows how profound the vegan outlook can be from the rest of meat-eating, dairy-consuming society.

Bourke does lead and active social life with non-veggies.  "Every week I go for restaurant meals and I meet dozens of friends, some of whom are very attractive, and sometimes things happen". He wonders about their compatibility, adding "If I kiss someone I just do not want the hassle of wondering, what is stuck between her teeth?"

This shows how tough it can be to find someone by chance, as the sheer numbers here in the West are against you. For example, here in the UK, vegans number 150,000 out of a population of 65 million. Meanwhile, over in America, vegans account for two million out of a population of 315 million. With odds like that, you're going to need some help.

It is for reasons like this that services like My Vegetarian Dating  are vital in linking together passionate vegans and vegetarians. If you want to date vegetarian or date vegan, it has never been easier. The site also publishes stories on vegetarianism and dating, as well as providing links to vegan and vegetarian organisations.

They are also very active on the well known social networking sites, YoutubeFacebookTwitter and  Pinterest..

If you're a vegetarian or a vegan, and you're serious about finding a partner who is like-minded, just sign up. Registration is free.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Why Become A Vegetarian

Little Lisa worries about lambs. Do you?

There are whole host of reasons why a person
should become vegetarian. Indeed, each vegetarian has their own personal reasons, and they are many and varied. 

With a host of celebrities including Natalie Portman, Casey Affleck, Jessica Chastain, Woody Harrelson, Tobey McGuire, and Olivia Wilde choosing the vegetarian or vegan diet for their lives it certainly continues to attract attention and curiosity. 

If it's something you're considering doing, here are some reasons why you might decide to cut meat out of your diet.

1. It's HEALTHY, stupid

Animal meat is high in saturated fat, which is particularly hazardous to health. They are also high in cholesterol, whereas plant foods contain no cholesterol. Instead, plants are rich in vitamins and other vital nutrients essential to survival. 

Animal meat can also carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans. It is also being increasingly linked by doctors towards cancer, diabetes and heart disease.  

On top of that, cutting meat out of your diet supports weight loss. Veggies are on average 20 pounds thinner than meat eaters.

2. Don't Be CRUEL to animals

You love your dog or cat, and wouldn't dream of hurting them, so why would you tuck into a cow, a lamb or a chicken? The life cycles of animals inside the farming system is notorious brutal and short, with pigs, chickens and cows squeezed up together in tiny cages all day long, and in some cases feeding on each other faeces, and even each other. 

These are brutal factory environments which do not respect or recognise the rights of animals. Bear in mind that pigs are more intelligent even than dogs - studies have shown that they can play games, while the intelligence of chickens has been compared by scientists to that of monkeys.

3. Meat Eating destroys the environment : Vegetarianism works in balance with It

Just to produce animals and get them into the food and supply chain takes incredible amounts of energy, typically in the form of fossil fuels, as well as other vital resources. Remember, a cow or a pig has to be fed, given water, kept warm for several months, then killed, cut up, prepared into consumer products such as burgers, etc. and transported. 

It's 35 calories for a single calorie of pork. It takes as much as 78 calories to produce one single calorie of beef protein.  In contrast, it takes just a single calorie to produce one calorie of soybeans. That's a massive difference, and it just illustrates the huge resources that go into the creation of meat. In a planet whose resources are already being strained, such energy makes massive demands on our environment.

If you want to meet other committed vegetarians or vegans, go to My Vegetarian Dating where you can meet them for fun, friendship and romance.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Dating Online: Three Tips For Bringing The Spark Of Attraction Back To Life

It's been said that you can't miss something you never had, but we all know that's not true. The thought that there was a special person that we have let get away is something that happens to even the most attractive and desirable of us.

It's no different online. It's even worse when there is an initial attraction with someone we really like, a great spark, that builds and builds and builds, with the promise of more....but then fizzles out.

It can be derailed by a disagreement over something minor, or one of you being preoccupied by work, family or other commitments. The slightest thing can break the heavenly trance of attraction between you.

However, if you are convinced there is an underlying, authentic attraction between you, and you want to fight to turn things around, there are some tips you can follow.

To read the rest of this article, go to My Vegetarian Dating, where it continues.......

Friday, 7 December 2012

How To Meet Girls And Get Their Number

fake-my-number.jpg (443×301)

Guys, here at My Vegetarian Dating, we want to give you some tips on how to meet girls and get their number, so if this is something you're keen to learn about, then read on....

The typical way of asking out a lady is to find her somewhere out there in the real world, in a coffee shop, a store, or on the street, and exchange information. The key thing is, you must have a way of contacting her after your first meeting, or you'll never see her again.

Some men go try to get a girl's cell phone number the minute start talking with a girl. Being able to get a number is a task in itself. If she wants to give you her number, she'll offer it to you.

You cannot overpower a girl into handing over her number, and it's not going to be much use to you if you do. What you want, is, even before you ask, is that she should be thinking to herself “I hope he asks for my number”. That's comes down to going in with the right, confident attitude. And making some effort with your appearance, of course.

Listed below are some basic guidelines you need to take before you can get a female's number.

Step 1: Create an Excellent First Impression

The main reason why you would choose a magazine at the newsagents is because the cover caught your attention. By the same token, when it comes to meeting for the first time, you should be aiming to make a great first impression on a girl you are asking out. Women are pretty quick at deciding if they're going to talk to you or not. Ladies who are hit on by men often do this, as it happens to them all the time. So, it's important that when you get your opportunity to conversation with her, you are ready to be interesting and on point.

Step 2: Get Her Attention

If you know what makes a lady turn round and take notice, this phase should be straightforward. If, for example, all you can think about is the periodic table or your collection of stamps, and you decide to share this with her, there's a good chance she'll be bored stiff (unless she's a geek too, in which case, well done!). Do keep in your mind, that a girl must choose to have a conversation with you before the conversation even happens. Approach confidently, and if things develop, have a ready strategy of things to discuss when you are with her. Planning is vital.

When a lady is tired with the conversation you are having, her concentrate will wane. She may look around in search of her buddies, or she could exchange looks with other people around. Look out for these signs. The point is, if you are tedious, she will not voluntarily offer you with her number when you ask. She may even decide that she is done with the conversation even before you can ask.

Step 3: Let Her Talk About Herself and Listen

A great way for making a girl carry on the interaction when you approach you is to let her do the hard work - the talking. No one ever got into trouble by being a great listener. You are not just going to ask any random question, every question must be a way to get her to speak. Take a genuine interest, and she'll be happy to answer. Use different questioning techniques, steer clear of ones that are likely to elicit a yes/no or one word answer. A question is a excellent one if it gets her discussing and describing her thoughts and feelings.

You could break it down with a practical conversation subject, such as why she is in that particular evening club. You can even start with a query that gets her inquisitive, like asking her what her clothes say about her personality. Keep it fun.

If you can accomplish all these, then you'll have a good chance of giving you her number at the end of the conversation.

If you want to meet vegetarian and vegan singles, a great place to go is My Vegetarian Dating.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Ten Golden Rules Of Online Dating

Discovering the right significant other often seems like looking for pinch of hay in a huge collection of needles: a agonizing procedure with somewhat limited benefits.

While online dating sites remove the need to get dolled up, douse yourself in nice smells, and get out there, that doesn't mean there aren't manners to adhere to.

Just like in real life, you'll need to come across as wonderful, courteous and suitable, and just like in real life, a little bit of good advice can make proceedings a whole lot simpler.

Here at My Vegetarian Dating, we want your online dating experience to be as successful and fun as possible. So stay tuned, and we'll explain to you ten Golden Rules every online dater should follow for the best results.

1. Go Get Em, Tiger!

There are a lot of prospective candidates out there awaiting you, but just like in the actual world, competition is tough. Enhance your possibilities by focussing on as many individuals as possible, and try not to get hung-up on that one lady who used to be a playboy magazine rabbit, or that one guy who looks like David Beckham- every other person on the website will have messaged them too.

Guys, try to keep your responses genuine, and avoid the old technique of cutting and pasting (adapt each message to make it unique), and don't just say "hi" to 1000 people. But by the same token (and this is applicable mainly to women) always reply to attention, even if you don't like him - it's only good manners.

DO SAY: 'I'm NOT a stalker'

DON'T SAY: 'How are you? Wondering if it changed since 10 minute ago when I last asked?'

2. Don't Be Afraid To Stand Out From The Crowd

An eye-catching headline and sharing some of your more unusual passions can go a long way. Invest a few moments sharing a reasonable amount of information that reveals you as amusing and exclusive, instead of becoming a member of the hordes who give as their only passions 'Watching TV, and movies, listening to music'. Surely you can't be that boring? Be specific. Maybe you like 'Days Of Our Lives', 'Dancing Queen', and 'Titanic' (lol, kidding). Be cautious though, being too out-there may come across as strange and restrict your share of dating buddies.

DO SAY: 'When I'm not skydiving in Australia or giving guided tours around The Louvre, I like to go trekking in the Himalayas - but when I'm there I always try to find time to work with the street children of Calcutta.'

DON'T SAY : 'At night I like watching a DVD with a bottle of wine. My other hobbies include watching paint dry.'

3. Post a Real, Genuine Picture Of Yourself
We all do it: take lots of pictures and then choose the ones that display us in our best light - and there's nothing wrong with it. However, if you're airbrushing your picture before publishing it, or even using an picture of someone else, you've definitely cross the a line. See also: Choosing pictures of yourself from 10 years ago, when you were 10 pounds lighter
DO SAY: 'I think I look just great in this one I took last week, with my cat.'
DON'T SAY: 'Here's a picture of me with George Clooney and Brad Pitt at that showbiz party. No, I can't explain why they're all black and white, and I'm not'

4. Keep It Real
Ok, so this may appear to contradict Rule 2, but you have to know when we are pulling your leg.
Do your messages reveal you as someone whose interests include doing safaris in the Congo, eating in Michelin starred restaurants, and having dated heirs to the throne of a small European country? By all means try to sell yourself in different ways, but keep in mind the aim of online relationship is to set up a actual face-to-face meeting - and if she doesn't like you in real life when you finally rock up and meet her, you'll be in for an uncomfortable, brief brush off.

The regular guidelines of relationships apply: go for those who are genuine and whom you experience you'll truly just click with.

DO SAY: 'I don't have a personal aircraft or a luxury boat, but if likeability was cash I'd be a Donald Trump.'

DON'T SAY: 'I only date supermodels with their own yacht.'

This goes hand-in-hand with Rule no 4. By all means make the most of what you've got, big yourself up and accentuate the positives in your life experience - but don't straight out lie. Hopefully you'll be actually meet your online dating pal in the near future, so girls, telling them you're a Victoria's Secret Model whose with pals Kanye West and Beyonce and you may get caught out if you're not actually a Victoria's Secret Model with...

DO SAY: 'I've been informed by friends that I am attractive, but if I'm honest I'm looking for someone I can click with with psychologically as well as physically.'

DON'T SAY: 'I'm definitely not just looking for sex...what's your chest size again?'

Ok, so we said be honest, but, by the same token, don't be stupid! A lot of online daters have baggage from their previous - this may be anything from children to an overly possessive ex. Don't put off prospective suitors by putting this baggage in complete view of everyone: give individuals a opportunity to get to know you before you let them in and share the more personal details of your life.

DO SAY: 'I'm a laid-back guy, who's looking for someone with the same outlook.'

DON'T SAY: 'Please ignore my ex who will keep surveillance outside your house, drown your pets and vandalise your car if you hang out with me. By the way I have several tattoos of my last five girlfriends on my back'.

Avoid composing 'War And Peace' when messaging prospective dates. Keep your missives brief and lovely - this will motivate you to make the most of the things you do say, maximising the effectiveness of your message. Remember: You only have a limited amount of time to grab people's attention. This also has the additional advantage of providing you a certain mystique: as you should know, most of fascination is what is unspoken, so be effective and keep them clinging on.

DO SAY: 'I'm setting out Los Angeles first thing tomorrow, so I'll say goodnight. Wish you were here to tuck me in...'

DON'T SAY: '...and then I went to a store and said to the lady, do you have these in a size 10, and she said to me no, so I said why not, and she said to me she didn't know, so I said do you have these in a size 12....'

It should goes without saying, never arrange to meet anyone you don't truly believe or feel right about. If this implies taking it slow and getting to know each other through Tweets and mobile phone calls, than so be it. Your personal safety is of the highest importance, unless of course you want an show of CSI to be the subject of your sorry little tale.

DO SAY: 'I'm totally happy going at whatever pace you're comfortable with.'

DON'T SAY: 'Meet me at the abandoned fairground at midnight.'

9. Remember that the online dating world is only an extension of the real one - not a magic fairy tale land.
As long as you keep in mind that an online relationship probably won't actually hand you on a plate the man/woman of your goals, and that even if it did, you might not stay happily ever after, and even if you do, you'll always have to keep with the truth you met on the world wide web... then you'll have a good time.

DO SAY: 'Behind the these words on a screen is a man with real feelings waiting to love you.'

DON'T SAY: 'If you stay online with me forever, we'll live happily ever after.'

If we're honest, sex is right up there with regards to why people get involved with online dating, yet just like in real life, nothing gives decreases the chances of this actually happening than acknowledging this scenario, whether directly or indirectly: at best you'll appear anxious, at worst, a desperate sex-fanatic.
So be chilled. Try to discreetly, gradually guide the topic of conversations towards the more erotic end of the things, but never be obvious about it. Just because you'd be pleased if a hot stranger asked you for no strings attached fun, straight out, not everyone else would. People have a lot of defences to get past, for all the right reasons, so take things slowly.

DO SAY: 'I really like staying up with a bestseller and a glass of wine, with the lights down low, it's even better when there's a wonderful lady relaxing next to me...'

DON'T SAY: 'No sex-related act is too bad or depraved for me. I'll do basically anything'.

Ok, now you've got some great advice to get you started, register or login to My Vegetarian Dating, and find your dates today!

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Celebrity Vegetarians

Any cause in the world, whether it's the rainforest championed by Sting, or AIDS in sub Saharan Africa, championed by Bono and U2, benefits from the oxygen of publicity that is provided by celebrity.

Celebrity vegetarians and vegans have been bringing their considerable prestige and media interest to the cause even before Paul McCartney and his wife Linda famously raised the profile of vegetarianism around the world.

Paul McCartney - the most famous #vegetarian of them all

It's the public pronouncements of these individuals that makes a massive difference to vegetarianism and veganism. For example, Woody Harrelson has said

"If you eat chicken, maybe you're on one level. If you wear a mink coat, maybe you're on another level. But if you wear cosmetics, cosmetics that are tested on animals, then you're just unconscious. Really, my message is simple. It's a message of compassion. In this world that is spinning madly out of control, we have to realize that we're all related. We have to try to live harmoniously."

It's messages like these that, when they reach movie fans and readers of celebrity gossip, have a far more profound impact than any other publicity campaign by vegetarian and animal rights activist groups.

If you're passionate about your vegetarianism or veganism, and you want to meet someone who is like-minded, go to where you can meet cool, sexy veggie singles. 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

New Vegetarian Dating Website - My Vegetarian Dating

Manchester, UK November 30th:

UK Based Dating guru and entrepreneur Abbas Ali is proud to announce the launch of a brand new dating site, My Vegetarian Dating

The site is international in scope, covering a huge list of countries, and catering for 15 languages including English, French, German, and Spanish.

“The idea was to create a space where like-minded people could meet, have fun, and share their thoughts and feelings”, explains the former journalist. “Major players in the online dating market such as, and Dating Direct often don't do enough to cater to the specific needs of the group this site is aimed at”.

Ali is keen to point out the unique selling points of the site for its intended user base. “vegetarians and vegans are incredibly passionate about issues such as the welfare of animals, sustainable and ethical living, and they want to live according to their beliefs”, Ali says. “In practice, that often means they're hoping to find someone who is also vegetarian or vegan”.

With the worldwide reach of the site, and its' many languages, My Vegetarian Dating gives users the chance to find someone from the 4 corners of the globe. There is an existing database of thousands of users on the site, and they hail from places as varied as the United States, France, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Brazil.

The site also includes a fascinating list of links for useful websites, where vegan and vegetarianorganisations and services are listed.

Going forward, the website boss advises that he will be posting articles on the site on a variety of relevant topics, as well as increasing its' social media presence and working with other vegetarian and vegan organisations.
