Sunday, 16 December 2012

A Beginners Guide to Vegan Dating and Vegetarian Dating

Vegetarian dating is tough. So you've made the transition to going veggie, now you have to deal with other people's opinions and somehow find food in your local supermarket or fast food joint that doesn't have meat and, if you're a vegan, doesn't have dairy. That's a big ask. 

Then you'll have to find buddies and persuade your own kin to accept your dietary choices. That's a big call on the big calendar dates like Xmas and birthdays.

On top of all that, dating is hard for vegans and vegetarians. A recent poll found that 66 % of people on the dating market did not want to go out with a veggie, based on the view that they were picky in their food choices.

The assertion in the article was that vegetarianism and veganism made men less "manly". This is despite the fact that there are men such as notoriously girly rappers RZA (Wu Tang Clan) and Chuck D (Public Enemy),  as well as former President and ladies man Bill Clinton are passionate vegetarians..

To overcome prejudices, which affect both sexes, it may be preferable to find a partner that shares your outlook. You may also choose to go out with a fellow veggie for more fundamental reasons, such as you need to love a person who also cares for the our planet and animal life as passionately as you do.

Some months ago,the BBC published a story on this issue, and they found a single man in search of a fellow veggie.

Vegan Alex Bourke explained "I cannot condone non-veggies any more than I can condone people who beat their children”.

"I do not want any part of the cruelty involved, not just in factory farming, but in any kind of animal farming", he said, echoing sentiments shared by many vegans.

Although it may trivial to some, he explained, "I did break up with someone over cheese". This shows how profound the vegan outlook can be from the rest of meat-eating, dairy-consuming society.

Bourke does lead and active social life with non-veggies.  "Every week I go for restaurant meals and I meet dozens of friends, some of whom are very attractive, and sometimes things happen". He wonders about their compatibility, adding "If I kiss someone I just do not want the hassle of wondering, what is stuck between her teeth?"

This shows how tough it can be to find someone by chance, as the sheer numbers here in the West are against you. For example, here in the UK, vegans number 150,000 out of a population of 65 million. Meanwhile, over in America, vegans account for two million out of a population of 315 million. With odds like that, you're going to need some help.

It is for reasons like this that services like My Vegetarian Dating  are vital in linking together passionate vegans and vegetarians. If you want to date vegetarian or date vegan, it has never been easier. The site also publishes stories on vegetarianism and dating, as well as providing links to vegan and vegetarian organisations.

They are also very active on the well known social networking sites, YoutubeFacebookTwitter and  Pinterest..

If you're a vegetarian or a vegan, and you're serious about finding a partner who is like-minded, just sign up. Registration is free.

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