Saturday, 1 December 2012

Celebrity Vegetarians

Any cause in the world, whether it's the rainforest championed by Sting, or AIDS in sub Saharan Africa, championed by Bono and U2, benefits from the oxygen of publicity that is provided by celebrity.

Celebrity vegetarians and vegans have been bringing their considerable prestige and media interest to the cause even before Paul McCartney and his wife Linda famously raised the profile of vegetarianism around the world.

Paul McCartney - the most famous #vegetarian of them all

It's the public pronouncements of these individuals that makes a massive difference to vegetarianism and veganism. For example, Woody Harrelson has said

"If you eat chicken, maybe you're on one level. If you wear a mink coat, maybe you're on another level. But if you wear cosmetics, cosmetics that are tested on animals, then you're just unconscious. Really, my message is simple. It's a message of compassion. In this world that is spinning madly out of control, we have to realize that we're all related. We have to try to live harmoniously."

It's messages like these that, when they reach movie fans and readers of celebrity gossip, have a far more profound impact than any other publicity campaign by vegetarian and animal rights activist groups.

If you're passionate about your vegetarianism or veganism, and you want to meet someone who is like-minded, go to where you can meet cool, sexy veggie singles. 

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